Maritime Academy Trust

Maritime is a charitable education trust with schools across London and the South East.

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Pastoral team

The role of the Pastoral Team’s is to help, support and advise parents and carers who have worries or concerns about their child. 

The Pastoral Team at Danecourt can offer support in a range of situations, such as, but not limited to:  

  • advice and support with your child’s behaviour at home or at school.
  • advice and support about your child’s punctuality and attendance.
  • other concerns you may have relating to your child that you would like support with. 
  • supporting you or someone you know who is suffering domestic abuse.
  • concerns about any child’s welfare.
  • support you to talk to your child’s teacher or to the school about any concerns or queries you may have.
  • help you to access information about difficulties you may be experiencing such as money worries, relationships, health etc
  • offering group work and one to one sessions with children in school.
  • assistance with form filling. 

The Pastoral Team consist of -

  • Carly Tydeman - Parent Partnership Lead
  • Lia Martin - Health Care Assistant
  • Katie Togwell - Nurture Lead

 The Pastoral Team can be contacted via email - 

Alternatively you can telephone them on 01634 232589

Useful Contact Information for Families

  • 0-25 Disability Team - 01634 338500
  • Medway Council Children's Services - 01634 334466
  • Out of hours Children's Services - 03000 419191
  • NSPCC -  0808 800 5000

Contact a family - for families with disabled children

UK charity providing support, information and advice to parents whatever the disability of their child.  Through a helpline and family support service, they provide advice on any aspect of raising a disabled child, including help with finances, benefit entitlements, education, short breaks and debt issues.

Helpline:   0808 808 3555


Cliff Road, Strood

Supportive environment for parents/carers of disabled children and young people with a variety of additional needs to have a voice within Medway.             

Telephone - 01634 333145 / 07813 123984

Medway Puzzles

A new group supporting families with children with ASD.

Telephone - 07375 042398

Kent Autistic Trust

Family support service offering advice and information – monthly meetings

For information:  Jo Blamires (Family Support)

Telephone - 01634 405168                        Email:

Family Action

Includes Medway Sendias, a SEN and Disabilities Information service providing a range of free and impartial help to parents/carers, children and young people.

Telephone - 01634 566303

Club AUsome

A safe, welcoming and non-judgemental environment for families affected by or dealing with Autism.

Email -

Telephone - 07875 601380


MAGIC is an independent Medway-based charitable organisation providing a range of activities and events to support families living with autism, Asperger’s and other learning difficulties.   They offer youth clubs, coffee mornings, activity days and a supportive ear should you need it.

Medway Autism Group Information Centre

Bradbury House, View Road, Cliffe Woods, Strood, ME3 8UQ

Telephone - 01634 570706 / 07739 430436