Maritime Academy Trust

Maritime is a charitable education trust with schools across London and the South East.

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The children attending Danecourt@Bligh are typically in key stage 2 (years 3 - 6). The provision is located in the heart of Bligh Primary School, although the satellite does benefit from its own entrance and playground. Bligh Primary School is located in Strood and about 25 minutes away from Danecourt@Gillingham. Danecourt@Bligh is led by Rowan Osborn who is Octopus Class teachers as well as being a member of the extended leadership team. 

Danecourt@Bligh consists of three classes and has capacity for up to 36 children, all of whom are based within one of the three classes. In addition to the classrooms the provision also has a shared space that is also where the children eat their lunch. As well as the spaces within the satellite, the children attending Danecourt@Bligh also benefit from accessing some of Bligh’s provisions including their amazing Forest School space.

The curriculum offered to the children attending Danecourt@Bligh is the same as the curriculum offered to the children attending Danecourt@Gillingham. The teachers work collaboratively to plan for children across the school. Speech and Language, Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy targets are also supported with guidance from the NHS and our inhouse therapy team. 

The children at Danecourt@Bligh also have the opportunity to visit Danecourt@Gillingham, with access to school minibuses to transport the children between the sites. 

Danecourt at Bligh