Maritime Academy Trust

Maritime is a charitable education trust with schools across London and the South East.

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Home Visit Programme

It is well recognised that a strong relationship between families and school provides the best possible support for every child. The Education Endowment Foundation is the UK’s leading education research organisation. Their most recent report on parent engagement suggests that effective parent engagement can lead to learning gains of 3 months over the course of a year. This makes effective parent engagement a key element of successfully supporting every child to thrive, our vision for every child in a Maritime school. 

We piloted additional home visits in three Maritime schools in September 2022. We received lots of positive feedback from teachers, parents and children and have been running home visits at Danecourt since then to strengthen the relationship between our school and families. The home visits at Danecourt consist of visits to your home during the first two days of the academic year by your childs class teacher and a member of support staff. We will arrange a date and time that is convenient with you and visits typically last for about 25 minutes. 

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